German Measles Vaccine
What are MMR vaccinations?
The Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine is a single injection which is administered into the thigh of young children or the upper arm of older children or adults. It is mainly a live vaccine which means that it contains
weakened version viruses of measles, mumps and rubella.
These have been weakened enough in order to produce immunity without causing disease.
What is the MMR vaccine used to prevent?
MMR vaccine is able to prevent serious diseases named measles, mumps and rubella.
Most of the children who get their MMR shots will not get these diseases.
What are the signs and symptoms of Measles, Mumps, Rubella?
Measles: Fever, cold-like signs and symptoms, rash and sore eyes.
Mumps: Headache, fever and swollen glands in the face.
Rubella: Sore throat, swollen glands and a rash.
Who needs to have the MMR vaccine?
All those children who are over the 1 year of age should have 2 doses of the vaccine, the first dose usually should be given at the age of 1 year and the second dose usually should be given at the age of three years and 4 months old.
Older children as well as adults should have 2 doses with a one month gap between them.
Make sure that if you're pregnant then you should be protected prior to becoming pregnant or make sure you are vaccinated soon after the baby is born.
What are the risks from MMR vaccine?
A particular vaccine, like any medication, can cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. This vaccine may be responsible for causing serious harm. Most people who get the MMR vaccine generally do not have any complications with it.
Mild Problems:
● Fever
● Rash
● Swelling of the glands in the neck or cheeks
Moderate Problems:
● Seizure
● Temporary pain and stiffness in the joints
● Temporary low platelet count
● Severe Problems
● Serious allergic reaction
● Several other severe problems
How does the mmr vaccine work?
The MMR vaccine specifically is a live vaccine that has potential in order to protect against measles, mumps and rubella. Two doses are recommended by injection into the upper arm or leg. Your immune system basically responds to the vaccine in order to produce cells which recognize as well as remember each of the 3 viruses.
If you get in contact with any of these diseases in the future, these cells will wake up and activate your body in order to rapidly produce antibodies. This is a basically a long lasting protection.
Where can you get this vaccine?
● From your GP surgery
● At your school: Some adolescents and young adults are offered their missing doses with their other teenage booster vaccines.
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